
28 Days Later

2003 "His fear began when he woke up alone. His terror began when he realised he wasn't."
7.5| 1h53m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: Horror, Thriller, Science Fiction
Producted By: DNA Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0

Twenty-eight days after an accidental release of a deadly virus from a British research facility, London survivors face an uphill struggle against those it infects - from animals and humans alike. Once infected by this epidemic virus, those exposed become violent killers incapable of control - with unpreventable destruction occurring across their city and nation.

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Horror, Thriller, Science Fiction

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28 Days Later (2003) is now streaming with subscription on Prime Video


Danny Boyle

Producted By

DNA Films

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Thanks for the memories!


Brilliant and touching


best movie i've ever seen.


Best movie ever!


The use of extreme close-up photography (in the beginning) makes it difficult to follow the action at times. This is the most realistic zombie film I've seen to date. I though Cillian Murphy in particular was very good and convincing. The music was lovely and tranquil, in direct contrast to the situation the characters found themselves in, but I thought it worked incredibly well. As the film progresses, it becomes less about the zombies and more about Man's unquenchable desire. Man against Man, as it has always been, regardless of the circumstances. Very good.


Danny Boyle at his best. A great story well told with plenty of violence and great movie imagery. One of my favourite films ever with one of the most enticing trailers that I have ever seen. It is essentially a zombie film but there is so much more intelligence compared to your average gore infested zombie flick. This is thoughtful, provoking, clever and overall an amazing film throughout. Only minor criticisms come from the occasionally scrappy looking digital film used and some niggling continuity errors. Very minor things to bring down this horror classic. Easily the most exciting and cleverest zombie film ever.